This book was not as inspirational as I expected to it be. Was hoping to hear more about some of the greater difficulties, but that wasn't so. She did talk about some of the challenges she had at the beginning. There were a couple things that I was able to take away from the book - MaryKay was a HUGE workaholic.
As I am challenged with my own dealings with trading in the stock market, the time and work into and everything else, I think about the workaholism of MaryKay. Was this godly?
Or, was this an extreme commitment & dedication to a greater call, a mission to empower the lives of many other people, particularly women? I think those were noble things and she very much paved the way for other women in the business area, not only in the work force, but also in owning their own businesses.
She does give God credit and it would've been nice to hear more about God in the book. She had a tremendous confidence, as well as a resolve to overcome all the challenges that she was confronted with. She had a totally "can do" attitude, and when she would fall, she'd get back up with a greater tenacity. She had good control over her thoughts - which is really where I continue to work on.
Other than the workaholism, the other part I did not take too keenly to was that in order for women to do MaryKay, often you have to sacrifice healthy eating and habits. That just didn't seem right. She seemed to make light of living in the takeout line or eating out. I don't want to do that in my life, but I do still want to have success with my MaryKay business.