This is 2 books rolled into one. John Eckhardt has this book broken down into 2 individual books, but since this was available, this is what I got. This is a totally incredibly powerful book.
I have not read the whole book or even most of the book, but I've gone through (skimmed a lot of it) a lot of it. What makes this book so powerful is that it addresses many spiritual things in one handy place. This book is under 400 pages, but it's a small book of about 4" x 6". It's compact and can fit into a backpack or a purse.
The Bible verses that are quoted are actually paraphrased into prayers. Love it.
The first book "Prayers That Rout Demons" is broken down into 5 major sections:
I. Plugging Into the Power Source
II. Preparing to Engage the Enemy
III. Confronting the Enemy's Tactics
IV. Destroying the Enemy's Forces
V. Experiencing Deliverance & Release
Each of the 5 sections have short declarative prayers based upon Scripture (there are Bible references), but before that, it goes on to explain the significance of that section. Love this.
This book is about releasing & declaring the Word of God, which is the sword of the Spirit, into our lives and into the lives of others. God is the complete source of our victories & breathroughs. I so need these in my life.
The second book "Breaking Curses" is broken down into 12 sections:
1. Curses Caused by the Spirit of Idolatry
2. The Curese From the Seduction of Jezebel
3. The Curse of a Seared Conscience
4. Cursed by Spirits of Infirmity
5. The Spirits of Alcohol & Drunkenness
6. Spirits Bringing Curses of Rape & Sexual Abuse
7. Cursed by Pornography & Pedophilia
8. Cursed With Lawlessness & Rebellion
9. The Curse of Ungodly Soul Ties & Godlessness
10. Wicked Plots Against the Godly
11. Loose Yourself From Belial's Curses
12. Safe From the Curse of Belial
Each of those sections has an explanation Biblically & historically followed by a series of prayers. This second book is a bit different than the first in format.
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Friday, November 19, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Breaking The Threefold Demonic Cord
This book goes more indepth into the Jezebel, Athaliah and Delilah spirits than Destiny Thieves, one of her other books. It is also well worth reading. Sometimes we take some things in our lives that are normal, for example, someone who gets sick often, is injury proned, has allergies, constantly has financial issues, attracts the wrong type of people into their lives.
It's becoming clearer to me that these are not just things that are coincidental or accidental, rather these are demonic forces at work in our lives. Some things may have existed well before we were ever born. Sometimes the sins of previous generations do impact us negatively.
However, we are not doomed to live in bondage to all this. This book goes into different detail than Destiny Thieves with some overlaps on how to expose the lies from these 3 specific demonic entities and to defeat them. It's taking some hardcore stuff.
There is Bible reading as she uses the Bible throughout the book. Good thing. She asks you to think, also. Another good thing. She goes into some fair amount of history for the layperson. However, if you have Bible school education or training, I'm not sure how you would view this book.
I love how she is able to take things from way back in Bible days and translate it into what that would mean for today during our time. She does a great job defining and explaining things in a layperson way, without tons of fancy words. So, this book can be read by most people that can read at least a 6th grade level.
This is not a book for people who are Victim minded, rather for the Victor & Champion minded. Though the reading is simple, the message is teaching and powerful. As it took me a couple months to go through Destiny Thieves, because I've let the messages in that book sink it, this book is not taking as much time to go through. Yet, it is still very powerful.
It's becoming clearer to me that these are not just things that are coincidental or accidental, rather these are demonic forces at work in our lives. Some things may have existed well before we were ever born. Sometimes the sins of previous generations do impact us negatively.
However, we are not doomed to live in bondage to all this. This book goes into different detail than Destiny Thieves with some overlaps on how to expose the lies from these 3 specific demonic entities and to defeat them. It's taking some hardcore stuff.
There is Bible reading as she uses the Bible throughout the book. Good thing. She asks you to think, also. Another good thing. She goes into some fair amount of history for the layperson. However, if you have Bible school education or training, I'm not sure how you would view this book.
I love how she is able to take things from way back in Bible days and translate it into what that would mean for today during our time. She does a great job defining and explaining things in a layperson way, without tons of fancy words. So, this book can be read by most people that can read at least a 6th grade level.
This is not a book for people who are Victim minded, rather for the Victor & Champion minded. Though the reading is simple, the message is teaching and powerful. As it took me a couple months to go through Destiny Thieves, because I've let the messages in that book sink it, this book is not taking as much time to go through. Yet, it is still very powerful.
5 Stars,
Christian Living,
Sandie Freed,
Spiritual Warfare
Destiny Thieves

I finished this book a couple weeks ago and forgot to do my review on this book. For anyone that is really serious about their Christian walk and is at the point they need an arsenal of tools for spiritual warfare, this is a really good book that I highly recommend.
Sandie is a woman who totally loves the Lord and wants to empower other Christians to really embrace and take hold of their Destinies in Jesus Christ. Often we don't know or understand the things that keep us in bondage, that hold us back.
This is a powerful book and took me over 2 months to read because I would read some, digest and that took time. This was not a book that was light reading and really was very profound for me spiritually.
She talks about idolatry, different people from the Old Testament, as well as new which both served God and did not. She talks about evil spirits. She also goes into the history of things like the Amalekite Spirit, Jezebel, Athaliah, Caleb, Joshua, Ahab, etc. It gave me a whole different perspective.
What I really love is in some of the chapters, there are prayers of renounciation & repentence of the evil spirits, curses, bad habits/choices and prayers that have Christians take their authority in Jesus Christ. Though I'm a prayer warrior, this is equipping me more to better know how to pray.
She talks about the various characteristics of different evil people and spirits -- basically identifying them and tells of what their consequences & behaviors are. Wow, this was impactful as I didn't realize that for most of my life, I displayed many of Jezebel's evilness, even though I was a Christian. One of the things that sets me apart hugely from her was that I was repentent. A characteristic of a Jezebel spirit working in your life is that you attract an Ahab person. Jezebel & Ahab are not indicative of gender. An Ahab person is often controlling, immature, but very passive aggressive.
As I reviewed my life with the men I've attracted, they have been passive aggressive men that fit an Ahab description.
She not only talks about these "Destiny Thieves" but how to combat them. So, we need to know first what is wrong and then know how to correct them. She has these things in lists or bullets, which are very helpful. To combat and defeat a Jezebel spirit, you do that with a Jehu spirit. There are so many good things in this book that this review could be SUPER long, but I won't make it that way for now.
This will be one of my reference books to go back to to gain more insights. Definitely as you read this book, pray and ask God to really speak to you about the areas of your life that aren't pleasing to Him, that you will be opened to learning, getting the lies exposed, and bringing Truth to your situation. It was definitely a challenge to know that I once so greatly had the influence of the Jezebel spirit in my life, but through the course of the past 4 yrs or so, God has brought tremendous change spiritually to me through blood line cleansing, cleansing my home from spiritual darkness, changing my thoughts, actions, being in Bible & book studies where God's Truth is revealed and the lies exposed.
It has been quite painful to go through all these things, but it has been so freeing. Still a long way to go to fulfilling my destiny in the Lord, but getting there. I am thankful for Sandie's wisdom, experience, her desire to equip other people in spiritual warfare. God bless her and her husband, Mickey.
5 Stars,
Christian Living,
Sandie Freed,
Spiritual Warfare
The Way Home
This was an alright movie, but I didn't find the acting super, super good. As a parent of children and periodically not being able to find my children when they "disappear" whether it's within a store or what. It's always a very scary feeling.
I think this DVD is worth watching that's a feel good movie with a good ending. What I found not plausaible was the amount of time the kid was missing and he was really alright. That is amazing. However, this is a Christian based movie and God does work miracles, He does provide and protect.
It's good that a community comes together to help find this little boy and the things they must go through to find him. It's about listening to the voice of God, even if it sounds strange or doesn't make sense. God doesn't do things always in the manner we deem logical. He's God. He can do anything.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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Book reviews by a Jesus lover & follower, mommy, business person, friend, sister, daughter -- a continual life learner sharing her insights on books.