Have you ever watched a movie where you had to pay attention to what was going on because there was a number of different stories going on at the same time? If you didn't, you really couldn't follow?
This book is sort of like that, but not as bad as a 1.5-2+ hr movie. You can come in the middle of this book, but the author does have a a purpose.
There were 10 chapters in this book and each addressed a woman in the Bible where her story started out one way, but ended a completely different, surprising way. She talks about each woman in chronological order for each chapter beginning with Naomi in Chapter 1and then ending with Elizabeth, John the Baptist's mom in Chapter 10.
The Biblical women were really interesting as I learned a number of things I never knew. Like, I didn't know that Rahab was a part of the lineage of Jesus. Rahab was a prostitute. Silvious gives the lineage of each woman as to how they played a role in the birth of Jesus Christ as well as the courage & wisdom it took to make the choices these women made. They could've continued with where they were in life, but they made a series of choices that has impacted mankind for all eternity.
This sort of falls in line with The Butterfly Effect that I read last year. Silvious not only talks about these 10 heroic women in the Bible, but many, many other women in the Bible. Interspersed within each chapter as she talks about the main Bible woman for that chapter, she has stories of women today and in the past century that have changed their lives by no longer putting up with the crap they were going through.
Each woman had ONE life, but they decided they wanted to write a NEW STORY for their lives. However, Silvious also gave numerous examples of women who chose NOT to write a new story and you gather that each of those women continue to sink deeper into their own pits.
As I'm at my own cross point in my life, this book is very appropo for my situation and I can read about many dozens of women who decided to not be defeated by their circumstances, but trust God in who He said He is and that He is in control. We now have the Bible, but back in the days when each of these Bible women lived, the Bible didn't exist yet, as we know it now.
I'm encouraged and blessed by this book. Silvious went back and forth in each chapter from the main Bible woman to stories of today and also other Bible women within the chapter. I found that distracting, or maybe I wouldn't have if I was reading it when it wasn't late at night and I wasn't tired.
It would be interesting to do the 10-Week Bible study on this.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”