This is my 4th eBook from Book Sneeze and I'm totally loving these eBooks as it allows me to get the books quickly and read them.
The last book I read of Lucado's, I did not care for. However, this book, I absolutely LOVE. Since I got the eBook version, the copyright on this book is 2005. The cover is different than the one displayed in this, which is what came from Book Sneeze.
I really loved the perspective with which he describes each of our unique lives, rather than seeing our lives often in the duldrums or showered with drama. God gives us desires, talents and skills and every single person is unqiue and special. We all have the ability to walk in the destinies that God has for each of us, which he says in "Our Sweet Spot".
In this book, Lucado focuses on each person's uniqueness and I love how each main and subsection covers this. Amidst the billions of people, each is endowed with talents, gifts, skills that are unique, unlike anyone else's. We each have a part in this world, and it is in a major part.
Lucado follows all his other books where it is about perspective and this book is no exception. He strongly advocates what we are drawn to as well as our skills & talents. He said that when we live in that "sweet spot", that's when we are most effectively utilized for God's Kingdom. He backs up his illustrations with the Bible and expounds on what the Bible talks about.
So, not only are we to use what God gives us, all of it is to glorify God. Everything points back to God, not in puffing ourselves up, rather showing people to Jesus. This is to be our perspective, our eyes.
Other things are to be in community with God's people. Community helps lifts us up when we're down, but we can do likewise for others. It also inspires. He also devotes a subsection to humility and when we are so full of ourselves, we can't be full of God. Thus, in order to be filled of God, we must deflate.
The final section talks about our daily lives. This section is broken in 5 subsections: Jobs, Focusing on Purpose and not getting knotted up in all the minute things that keep us busy; Common Deeds (small gestures) do make a big difference to God; Allow our kids to grow as God sees them and not as we see them; Serve others.
This book also includes a Sweet Spot Discovery Guide. It's about 40 pages. I just skimmed through this section, but will be doing it. I'm really excited about this book and think this is one of the best books I've read of Lucado's!!!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”