Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Breaking The Threefold Demonic Cord

This book goes more indepth into the Jezebel, Athaliah and Delilah spirits than Destiny Thieves, one of her other books.  It is also well worth reading.  Sometimes we take some things in our lives that are normal, for example, someone who gets sick often, is injury proned, has allergies, constantly has financial issues, attracts the wrong type of people into their lives.

It's becoming clearer to me that these are not just things that are coincidental or accidental, rather these are demonic forces at work in our lives.  Some things may have existed well before we were ever born.  Sometimes the sins of previous generations do impact us negatively.

However, we are not doomed to live in bondage to all this.  This book goes into different detail than Destiny Thieves with some overlaps on how to expose the lies from these 3 specific demonic entities and to defeat them.  It's taking some hardcore stuff.

There is Bible reading as she uses the Bible throughout the book.  Good thing.  She asks you to think, also.  Another good thing.  She goes into some fair amount of history for the layperson. However, if you have Bible school education or training, I'm not sure how you would view this book.

I love how she is able to take things from way back in Bible days and translate it into what that would mean for today during our time.  She does a great job defining and explaining things in a layperson way, without tons of fancy words.  So, this book can be read by most people that can read at least a 6th grade level.

This is not a book for people who are Victim minded, rather for the Victor & Champion minded.  Though the reading is simple, the message is teaching and powerful.  As it took me a couple months to go through Destiny Thieves, because I've let the messages in that book sink it, this book is not taking as much time to go through.  Yet, it is still very powerful.


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