Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Pain-Free Program

This is an incredible book.  I think this will be a great compliment to The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook, 2nd Edition by Clair Davies.  I'm really into alternative healthcare, especially where I don't have to inject anything.

This book talks about imbalances in our bodies, how they are caused, and what to do to correct them.  Instead of the one size fits all that many programs have, he has 6 different body forms that we can look at to see which most closely fits our bodies.  You can also have multiple forms and he tells you how to evaluate these.

Each form takes 10-14 days that you're supposed to do the exercises.  He has exercises tailored for each form.

For example, if one hip is higher than the other, you do certain exercises to bring this back into balance.  It takes time and he goes into explaining what is happening with each exercise.  Over time, the muscles will adjust to the correct form or into better form.  Some chiropractic adjustments may be needed.

Although I haven't tried the exercises yet, I will be doing them starting this week and hope I see an improvement in my own form to be more balanced.  I borrowed this book from the library and if I find the exercises work for my body, then I'm going to be buying the book.

On This Day In Christian History

I simply loved this book, the way it was organized, everything about it.  Some of the language was "old" to me, but that was still good.  Every day talked about a different person.  Sometimes that date was significant because of the person's birthday, other times their death, or it was (often the case), something significant happened on that day because of that person.

Many of the people, I'd never heard of, which was fine because I learned something new.  Other people I'd heard of, but not known much about.  Though there was always only 1 page on the person, it was enough to pique my curiosity to go further if time permits.  So very fascinating.

Each day's devotion has a "title", which signifies what is being conveyed or the theme for that person.  Dates are given.  I don't know of the historical accuracy of any of the entries, but they were all interesting to me.  Some people were martyred for their faith.  Others died peacefully.  At the bottom of each devotion, was Scripture that tied the theme together. 

It really encouraged me that there were so many great men and women of faith.  It was cool to learn how some hymns came about, too or what the significance of certain holidays or expressions that were used.  I think as my kids get older, I'm going to have them each use this as a devotional for a year.


Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”