This book is so good and very convicting. This book is not a feel good book nor is it filled with fluff, but there was so much Truth that applied to my life and really cut so deeply in me. It wasn't a book that I could just zip through, but there was so much thought, pondering that went into it.
Mammon is a demonic spirit, as Babylon, Greed & Poverty. She talks about how these work in our world, our society, lives, and including her own life. Sandie is very opened about as she wrote the book, how Mammon showed up in her life, and how she had to relinquish that hold that Mammon had because God used the writing of the book to expose those areas in her own life.
I cannot do an adequate book review and this is one of those books that I need to read again in a month or so to see how God is working in my own life and ask Him to further expose areas that Mammon has infiltrated my life.
Money is all around us and our world uses money for everything. It's a challenge to not worship or get sucked into all this and make it an idol. I thought I was getting better, and I am, but Mammon still has a great deal of influence in my life. She talks about how to break that hold that it has, expose the lies. We MUST know the Word of God, memorize it, use it to take authority over the enemy. The enemy may even use the Word of God against us in subtle, seductive ways, so we also need to know how the context of the Word.
All of this really comes back down to really relying on God as the sole Provider, Healer, etc. for our lives. That does not mean we're to be lazy and kick back to do nothing, rather, it means to not worry what our circumstances are, rather just keep putting your eyes on Jesus and asking Him for His solution and walking in confidence knowing that God has it all figured out and He will do what's best. It may not always be what we want, but it's His plan and it will glorify Him.
There are many parts of the book I highlighted. In fact, really, the whole book is a HUGE highlight. It's probably the best book I've read regarding money and well worth buying. I want to live in complete victory in the Lord and this is a must read on how to break the chains and bondage of Mammon & Babylon in our lives.
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