I borrowed this book from the library, but had to get on a waiting list to get this book, which took almost 2 months. Wasn't sure if the book was worth getting or not and if it was quackery or not. I tend to be a skeptic and need things proven to me first.
Last week I finally bought the book on Amazon: The Healing Code
Once I got to reading this book, I realized more and more that Dr. Loyd was talking about the God of the Bible. He talks about issues of the heart, the spiritual heart is the root cause of all sickness, disease and problems in our lives. He says that these issues create stresses that our body can deal with, but enough of those stresses impede our bodies from functioning as God designed our bodies to, which is to be self-healing.
Those stresses are embedded into all the trillions of cells in our bodies and unless we remove them, they continue to make us sicker. However, as we address the spiritual issues of the heart like unforgiveness, sabotaging behaviors (harmful actions), wrong beliefs, love vs selfishness, joy vs sadness/depression, peace ve anxiety/fear, patience vs anger/frustration/impatience, kindness vs rejection/harshness, goodness vs not being good enough, trust vs control, humility vs unhealthy pride/arrogance/image control, self control vs loss of control, we are able to remove these blocks and allow our bodies to heal.
This is not a Christian book per se, rather it is a book written by 2 experts in their fields who are Christians. Healing comes from God and this book does not say that it heals you, rather it's a tool that is used to help you get out of the way of yourself.
This book has come down in price from when it first came out in 2010. Woohoo! I love a good bargain.
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