Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Project Everlasting

Project Everlasting is a delightful book that was written by 2 bachelors, one of whom is engaged to be married.  I heard about Mat Boggs when I attended online the WISH (Women's International Summit on Health) teleseminars and found Boggs humorous, but wise.  I learned a number of things about men that I did not realize.

Since Boggs is a man, it is helpful to hear from a man, rather than a woman on men.  This wasn't a book on these are the things men like or do not like and this is how women are to appease men, rather, this book had so many stories of couples' whose marriages have worked and been long, and in many cases, until death do us part.

I felt connected to these couples and LOVE how the book was formatted.  Each couple that they shared their story touched me, minus maybe 1 couple.  I honestly don't know how many couples' stories they shared, but it was probably 3-5 dozen stories.  They weren't long stories, and they weren't all stories where both the man and wife totally got along all the time, rather they were stories of how they kept their marriages to be long lasting and to the point that they could not live without their spouse.

Often, I was in tears or just touched by the love of each couple.  Growing old wasn't a bad thing, but it was almost like a flower that maybe first starts it's budding early in their relationship and doesn't reach the peak of the blossom until one spouse dies. 

What an incredible 4+ yr project, but I also appreciate Jason and Mat's honesty that doing the project wasn't "blissful" nor easy.  Their candor was refreshing and I found it more impactful than a book of to do's, rather it was a book of selflessness (putting the other person above yourself), commitment and respect.  Those are the 3 words that I think made each marriage successful.  Each story had a picture of the couple, their names, and how long they were married at the time they got put in the book. 

Loved the book!


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