Friday, June 24, 2011

Heaven Is For Real

In my Single Mom's group, one of the moms brought up this book and how good it is.  She basically gave away the jist of the book.  I borrowed this book from the local library, though, it took about 6-7 weeks to finally get it.  That's alright.

In about 2.5 hrs, I was able to read the book from start to finish.  It's a very easy read.  I think the book can be a bit shorter and more to the point, but this book is better than another book where the man went to Heaven for 90 min.

The little boy went to Heaven for 3 minutes, but how he describes it, it seems much longer.  I always wondered whether there are animals in Heaven.  This little boy, which his name eludes me right now and I've already turned the book back to the library, talks about animals.

What I really liked was that people know each other, even if they never met in life on earth, but because of the connection, they KNOW each other.  Isn't that cool?  So, that tells me that though I may not have led a specific person to the Lord, maybe what I did for one person that did lead that person to the Lord, I may know that person that was led to the Lord.

It got me to thinking about Heaven a lot and giving me some assurance.  I want so much for all of my family and extended family to go to Heaven, as well as my friends and well beyond that.  I think this is a good book for others to read.


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