I earnestly enjoy Lucado's style of writing. Love the short chapters, which tends to keep my interest without really dragging things out. The Discussion Guide at the back of the book gives you the ability to be able to go more indepth with any of the chapters.
The more of Lucado's books I read, the more I realize he's ordinary just like the rest of us. Rather, he is allowing God to use him in his giftings to bless many people, myself included.
I sort of had this book pegged incorrectly, but the title is descriptive. It means to leave a lasting legacy for Jesus after you are gone fro this world. This was an easy read and I was able to finish it in one day. Thought it would take more, but I sort of focused and kept on track.
This book challenged me to think beyond myself in different ways for the Lord. He stresses how God loves everyone, finds everyone valuable. Yet, we often want to classify people in order to distance ourselves from them for whatever reasons.
Lucado is great at giving example after example from not only the Bible of all types of different people from kings to peasants, from the healthy to the incredibly sick whom were totally sold out to Jesus. He also gives modern day examples -- some I've heard of, others just learned.
He starts off Chatpers 2 -15 with verses from Acts of how to OUTLIVE our lives. He ends every chapter with a prayer on the topic of that chapter, as well as verses from all over the Bible that share in that prayer. I totally LOVED the prayers and prayed them. This is the 2nd of 3 of the last books I've read have done this and I so like it.
I'm now challenged to take action upon what I've read. Going to go to a hospital I live near and see if they need people to visit and pray over people. Maybe I can do that a few times a week? I may not be able to change the world right now, but I can do something in the world I live in in my own neighborhood.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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