This book was nothing like I thought it was and is truly a book on tough love with your money. Streater's message on money is very direct, straight forward and she minces no meat. She does not coddle her readers, rather speaks very plainly, but with an exclammation point truthfully in terms that people in this day-in-age can relate to.
Rather than feel condemned for my own misconceptions & behaviors about money, it's better to embrace the truth, shed the lies, and move forward. I've seen areas where I handled money unwisely in the past and some of the challenges that are currently being faced because of them.
She has prayers near the end of each chapter of repentence and to ask God to help us to take corrective actions and implement sound biblical principles. Additionally at the end of each chapter are 2 things: 1) a summary of the chapter in bullets (LOVE THIS!!!) and 2) a list of action items or questions to ponder.
God must be telling me something because the last 3 books I've finished reading all involve prayers in them at the end of each chapter, for which I've prayed all of them. Prayer is very powerful and I'm uniting with the authors in agreeing to God's Truth. God is moving.
Even in my situation, I do believe God wants me to take some actions -- not in a panic flurry, rather in prayer posture, worship to Him, and taking actions and letting God open & close doors. I like how she gives examples in the book of real people who have made unwise choices but finally turned around and began making wise choices. Likewise she also shares about people who only continue making unwise choices and never see that they are unwise. She gives the consequences of both, and the latter is not pretty, rather very destructive not only to the person making those choices, but to those around that person.
It is our choice to choose the lies of the enemy or listen & heed the Truth of God found in the Bible. God is always consistent with His Word. There are plenty of Scriptures throughout the book, too.
Even if you're financially astute and making right decisions on a regular basis, this book still may provide for you valuable insights on how to be even better. It is not a Dave Rampsey book, but a good compliment to his stuff.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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