Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The Pain-Free Program
This book talks about imbalances in our bodies, how they are caused, and what to do to correct them. Instead of the one size fits all that many programs have, he has 6 different body forms that we can look at to see which most closely fits our bodies. You can also have multiple forms and he tells you how to evaluate these.
Each form takes 10-14 days that you're supposed to do the exercises. He has exercises tailored for each form.
For example, if one hip is higher than the other, you do certain exercises to bring this back into balance. It takes time and he goes into explaining what is happening with each exercise. Over time, the muscles will adjust to the correct form or into better form. Some chiropractic adjustments may be needed.
Although I haven't tried the exercises yet, I will be doing them starting this week and hope I see an improvement in my own form to be more balanced. I borrowed this book from the library and if I find the exercises work for my body, then I'm going to be buying the book.
On This Day In Christian History
Many of the people, I'd never heard of, which was fine because I learned something new. Other people I'd heard of, but not known much about. Though there was always only 1 page on the person, it was enough to pique my curiosity to go further if time permits. So very fascinating.
Each day's devotion has a "title", which signifies what is being conveyed or the theme for that person. Dates are given. I don't know of the historical accuracy of any of the entries, but they were all interesting to me. Some people were martyred for their faith. Others died peacefully. At the bottom of each devotion, was Scripture that tied the theme together.
It really encouraged me that there were so many great men and women of faith. It was cool to learn how some hymns came about, too or what the significance of certain holidays or expressions that were used. I think as my kids get older, I'm going to have them each use this as a devotional for a year.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Friday, November 19, 2010
Prayers That Rout Demonds & Break Curses
I have not read the whole book or even most of the book, but I've gone through (skimmed a lot of it) a lot of it. What makes this book so powerful is that it addresses many spiritual things in one handy place. This book is under 400 pages, but it's a small book of about 4" x 6". It's compact and can fit into a backpack or a purse.
The Bible verses that are quoted are actually paraphrased into prayers. Love it.
The first book "Prayers That Rout Demons" is broken down into 5 major sections:
I. Plugging Into the Power Source
II. Preparing to Engage the Enemy
III. Confronting the Enemy's Tactics
IV. Destroying the Enemy's Forces
V. Experiencing Deliverance & Release
Each of the 5 sections have short declarative prayers based upon Scripture (there are Bible references), but before that, it goes on to explain the significance of that section. Love this.
This book is about releasing & declaring the Word of God, which is the sword of the Spirit, into our lives and into the lives of others. God is the complete source of our victories & breathroughs. I so need these in my life.
The second book "Breaking Curses" is broken down into 12 sections:
1. Curses Caused by the Spirit of Idolatry
2. The Curese From the Seduction of Jezebel
3. The Curse of a Seared Conscience
4. Cursed by Spirits of Infirmity
5. The Spirits of Alcohol & Drunkenness
6. Spirits Bringing Curses of Rape & Sexual Abuse
7. Cursed by Pornography & Pedophilia
8. Cursed With Lawlessness & Rebellion
9. The Curse of Ungodly Soul Ties & Godlessness
10. Wicked Plots Against the Godly
11. Loose Yourself From Belial's Curses
12. Safe From the Curse of Belial
Each of those sections has an explanation Biblically & historically followed by a series of prayers. This second book is a bit different than the first in format.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Breaking The Threefold Demonic Cord
It's becoming clearer to me that these are not just things that are coincidental or accidental, rather these are demonic forces at work in our lives. Some things may have existed well before we were ever born. Sometimes the sins of previous generations do impact us negatively.
However, we are not doomed to live in bondage to all this. This book goes into different detail than Destiny Thieves with some overlaps on how to expose the lies from these 3 specific demonic entities and to defeat them. It's taking some hardcore stuff.
There is Bible reading as she uses the Bible throughout the book. Good thing. She asks you to think, also. Another good thing. She goes into some fair amount of history for the layperson. However, if you have Bible school education or training, I'm not sure how you would view this book.
I love how she is able to take things from way back in Bible days and translate it into what that would mean for today during our time. She does a great job defining and explaining things in a layperson way, without tons of fancy words. So, this book can be read by most people that can read at least a 6th grade level.
This is not a book for people who are Victim minded, rather for the Victor & Champion minded. Though the reading is simple, the message is teaching and powerful. As it took me a couple months to go through Destiny Thieves, because I've let the messages in that book sink it, this book is not taking as much time to go through. Yet, it is still very powerful.
Destiny Thieves

The Way Home
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Where Hearts Are Free

The girls name was Bridget Barrington. She had fallen in love with a man named Phillpe. Her parents didn't know that she loved him and they didn't know that she had told Philipe a really DARK SAD secret. Phillipe promised not to tell anyone.Yes I said ANYONE.
One day the Barringtons went to Bridget's cousin's house. When they were there, Bridget met Edward. They talked and told about their childhood. Then one day Bridget's parents told her that she was going to marry Edward. She was stunned because she didn't like him.
One day Phillipe found out that Edward was dangerous! Oh no! He and his brother,Charles,went and told Bridget but she didn't belive them. Once they left, she relized that they were probably right! She went to find them and when she did,they figured out a plan so Bridget didn't marry Edward. I can not tell the end because it will spoil the story if you haven't read it.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The Least Among You

Richard met a man named Sam, who was the grounds keeper. Sam helped Richard a lot, taught him a bunch of things. Richard's roommate was from Texas and a very nice guy that was on his side. Richard called him 'Tex'.
Richard had a friend named Roscoe he grew up with, but in the end, Roscoe died because he made a lot of wrong choices, including dealing in drugs. He also killed an old man because he wanted the man to sell drugs for him and the old man would not let him.
Richard had to get a petition signed with 70% of the students & faculty agreeing so that they would let more blacks or people of other races into their seminary within 10 days. President Beckett of the seminary started out on Richard's side, but in the end, was not. He ended up getting kicked out of the seminary for trying to bribe Richard to not do the petition.
This movie does have violence and people smoked a lot. I didn't like that part.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Friday, September 10, 2010
Outlive Your Life

I earnestly enjoy Lucado's style of writing. Love the short chapters, which tends to keep my interest without really dragging things out. The Discussion Guide at the back of the book gives you the ability to be able to go more indepth with any of the chapters.
The more of Lucado's books I read, the more I realize he's ordinary just like the rest of us. Rather, he is allowing God to use him in his giftings to bless many people, myself included.
I sort of had this book pegged incorrectly, but the title is descriptive. It means to leave a lasting legacy for Jesus after you are gone fro this world. This was an easy read and I was able to finish it in one day. Thought it would take more, but I sort of focused and kept on track.
This book challenged me to think beyond myself in different ways for the Lord. He stresses how God loves everyone, finds everyone valuable. Yet, we often want to classify people in order to distance ourselves from them for whatever reasons.
Lucado is great at giving example after example from not only the Bible of all types of different people from kings to peasants, from the healthy to the incredibly sick whom were totally sold out to Jesus. He also gives modern day examples -- some I've heard of, others just learned.
He starts off Chatpers 2 -15 with verses from Acts of how to OUTLIVE our lives. He ends every chapter with a prayer on the topic of that chapter, as well as verses from all over the Bible that share in that prayer. I totally LOVED the prayers and prayed them. This is the 2nd of 3 of the last books I've read have done this and I so like it.
I'm now challenged to take action upon what I've read. Going to go to a hospital I live near and see if they need people to visit and pray over people. Maybe I can do that a few times a week? I may not be able to change the world right now, but I can do something in the world I live in in my own neighborhood.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Your Money God's Way

This book was nothing like I thought it was and is truly a book on tough love with your money. Streater's message on money is very direct, straight forward and she minces no meat. She does not coddle her readers, rather speaks very plainly, but with an exclammation point truthfully in terms that people in this day-in-age can relate to.
Rather than feel condemned for my own misconceptions & behaviors about money, it's better to embrace the truth, shed the lies, and move forward. I've seen areas where I handled money unwisely in the past and some of the challenges that are currently being faced because of them.
She has prayers near the end of each chapter of repentence and to ask God to help us to take corrective actions and implement sound biblical principles. Additionally at the end of each chapter are 2 things: 1) a summary of the chapter in bullets (LOVE THIS!!!) and 2) a list of action items or questions to ponder.
God must be telling me something because the last 3 books I've finished reading all involve prayers in them at the end of each chapter, for which I've prayed all of them. Prayer is very powerful and I'm uniting with the authors in agreeing to God's Truth. God is moving.
Even in my situation, I do believe God wants me to take some actions -- not in a panic flurry, rather in prayer posture, worship to Him, and taking actions and letting God open & close doors. I like how she gives examples in the book of real people who have made unwise choices but finally turned around and began making wise choices. Likewise she also shares about people who only continue making unwise choices and never see that they are unwise. She gives the consequences of both, and the latter is not pretty, rather very destructive not only to the person making those choices, but to those around that person.
It is our choice to choose the lies of the enemy or listen & heed the Truth of God found in the Bible. God is always consistent with His Word. There are plenty of Scriptures throughout the book, too.
Even if you're financially astute and making right decisions on a regular basis, this book still may provide for you valuable insights on how to be even better. It is not a Dave Rampsey book, but a good compliment to his stuff.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The Boy Who Changed The World

The message is simple, "EVERY THING YOU DO MATTERS!"
This includes big things, small things, and everything in between. This reinforces that we are beautifully and wonderfully created for a purpose by God. Our lives are significant, they do matter.
The book is physically a nice big book. The pictures are like mini-paintings and thoughtful. The expressions on the people's faces are tender & loving.
There is great hope in this book. Both my kids read this book and loved it. It's a must to share with your children, grandchildren, young people. This book also gave me time to speak to book of my children about making wise choices and to know that nothing they do is insignificant.
This book helps greatly convey in a simple manner that a person does have great value & worth. Great job Andy Andrews!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
The Butterfly Effect

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Friday, September 3, 2010
The Body Fat Solution
I borrowed this audio from the library and think this is an awesome audio. In fact, it's so good, I'm going to buy the book. This is a 10 hr audio that is excellent. I purchased Tom Venuto's ebook Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle (BFFM) in 2003 and subscribe to his newsletters. He's changed his newsletter format over the years as his business has grown bigger, but one of the things that I find refreshing is that he is an articulate, eloquent, straight-forward guy that cares a great deal about people.
Listening to this book was such a treat. It really helps the average person that has a life, doesn't have the ability to spend all day working out, has a family, career, etc., which is the general population. Over the past 7 yrs since reading his BFFM book and implementing some of those things, as I listened to this, there were many "a-ha" moments and things that really struck me quite deeply.
He not only talks about the diet and exercise, but he talks about the whole life from spiritual, the mind, the emotions, social behaviors, myths, excuses, all the different things that most of us have heard. He doesn't endorse any diets, rather this is a way of life to shed unnecssary bodyfat and how to do it in a way that keeps that bodyfat off you for the rest of your lives. He doesn't give a pat answer, but explains hot to find the root causes of what caused the excess weight.
It's really a well-rounded, informative book that has a lot of scientific backing up, but explaining it in laymen's terms. For anyone who has excess bodyfat that they want to get rid of, I totally recommend this book.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Understanding The Dreams You Dream

This book wasn't what I thought it would be. For some reason I thought this book would be completely filled with how to interpret dreams, rather a little over 200 pages of this 252-page book is a Dream Dictionary.
Forty-four pages of this book talks about how to interpret dreams and is very systematic. It was pretty cool, because a lot of what it talked about I learned in my 4-week class at church. So, it's a confirmation, as I think the teachers of my class got their dream interpretation resources elsewhere, but it is all Bible based.
One of the things I love about this dream dictionary is that every explanation of what something is defined, there is a Scriptural reference. Very cool.
I'm going to eventually get some stuff from John Paul Jackson, James Goll, Barbie Breathitt, and Doug Addison on dream interpretation to see what they all say.
This is a good reference book!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Crushing The Spirits Of Greed & Poverty

This book is so good and very convicting. This book is not a feel good book nor is it filled with fluff, but there was so much Truth that applied to my life and really cut so deeply in me. It wasn't a book that I could just zip through, but there was so much thought, pondering that went into it.
Mammon is a demonic spirit, as Babylon, Greed & Poverty. She talks about how these work in our world, our society, lives, and including her own life. Sandie is very opened about as she wrote the book, how Mammon showed up in her life, and how she had to relinquish that hold that Mammon had because God used the writing of the book to expose those areas in her own life.
I cannot do an adequate book review and this is one of those books that I need to read again in a month or so to see how God is working in my own life and ask Him to further expose areas that Mammon has infiltrated my life.
Money is all around us and our world uses money for everything. It's a challenge to not worship or get sucked into all this and make it an idol. I thought I was getting better, and I am, but Mammon still has a great deal of influence in my life. She talks about how to break that hold that it has, expose the lies. We MUST know the Word of God, memorize it, use it to take authority over the enemy. The enemy may even use the Word of God against us in subtle, seductive ways, so we also need to know how the context of the Word.
All of this really comes back down to really relying on God as the sole Provider, Healer, etc. for our lives. That does not mean we're to be lazy and kick back to do nothing, rather, it means to not worry what our circumstances are, rather just keep putting your eyes on Jesus and asking Him for His solution and walking in confidence knowing that God has it all figured out and He will do what's best. It may not always be what we want, but it's His plan and it will glorify Him.
There are many parts of the book I highlighted. In fact, really, the whole book is a HUGE highlight. It's probably the best book I've read regarding money and well worth buying. I want to live in complete victory in the Lord and this is a must read on how to break the chains and bondage of Mammon & Babylon in our lives.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Let's Do Lunch

However, I am disappointed in a number of things as I thought there would be a greater emphasis on the Lord in the book, so that was maybe an assumption I made that wasn't all that great. My error. He does give God the credit.
Although my background is not medical, nutrition or fitness, this book kind of pulls this and that out of each of those areas. Yes, it does give a disclaimer at the beginning of the book to check with your doctor, blah, blah, blah. Most doctors have very little training in nutrition. I found some of Roger's suggestions like using Splenda (though, it seems like he uses Stevia more) a horrible suggestion, as well as some references to diet soda. Those are just simply awful. Really, would you rather have arsenic 1 or arsenic 2?
Roger is also big into corn. The fact is, corn is really hard for your body to process & digest. He seems to be really in favor of these corn cracker things, popcorn, I Can't Believe It's Not Butter.
Butter, real butter isn't bad for you when eaten in moderation. It is way better than margarines or other more processed spreads. He also isn't a big advocate of avocados or nuts. God created these things to be eaten and they do have very healthy fats in them.
The nutritional content of the book is poor and I give this, at best, a 1 star. This was quite disappointing. Though he says that this isn't a fruit diet, it seems mainly that way. He doesn't address on this weight loss style of eating about people who are into weightlifting or more intense forms of exercises.
He advises eating your 3 meals a day: lots of fruit for breakfast, lots of protein for lunch, and a dinner that has very little protein. No snacking, but if you must, it seemed rather limited here, as he advises to not eat fruit between meals. The "nutritional" stuff that is correct is scattered all over the book where some things are bogus and others are factual. The thing is, you need to know what is what.
So, if you seriously exercise, what about feeding your muscles after your workout? He doesn't talk about this unless I missed it. He says you can do this weight loss program without exercise, but that if you exercise, it will accelerate the weight loss and help you get healthier.
The reason why I give it 3 stars is because people do get positive results. It's something that can probably be doable for many people, but it's unclear to me for those in a more rigorous exercise program that you will have more meals.
I think he could've just simply said for a good part of the book is to really eat 1 ingredient items instead of processed things. Anyway, he wasn't as organized in the book as well as I would've thought.
Anyway, I would be willing to give some of the general thoughts of this way of eating for a bit to see how effective it is to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
100 Ways To Simplify Your Life

I did not have the book to read this rather I listened to the audio of this book. It is 4.6 hrs long and I really like how this audio was laid out. The person reading the audio, I don't like so much as she's nowhere as animated as Joyce Meyer is at reading this, but it was okay.
There is nothing easy about the 100 ways to simplify your life. I wonder if Joyce does these things. Some of them I do do and I can see how they can simplify your life if you can apply them, but being that with all the baggage I still have left, it will take quite awhile to get through this list.
I do like how she references stories and verses in the Bible to back up these things. Each point is talked about in the 2-4 min. timeframe, which allows plenty of information to be disseminated.
Not sure if it would be okay for me to list all 100 of the points, but I'm going to, so if you want the book or the audio, you can go get it as it'll expound on each point.
- Focus on 1 thing at a time.
- Be content with what you have.
- Keep God first.
- Live to glorify God.
- Don't worry.
- Let go of what lies behind.
- Learn how to say "No!"
- Be yourself.
- Choose quality over quantity.
- Refuse to start what you cannot finish.
- Don't make mountains out of molehills.
- Get your mind off yourself.
- Stop procrastinating.
- Clear out the clutter (physical, spiritual, emotional, etc)
- Avoid excess.
- Stay out of debt.
- Let the main thing be the main thing.
- Establish boundaries.
- Know yourself.
- Only believe.
- Regularly re-evaluate commitments.
- Define personal priorities.
- Choose your battles.
- Be quick to forgive.
- Mind your own business.
- Be merciful.
- Don't be judgmental.
- Be decisive.
- Think before you speak.
- Be a God pleaser.
- Don't receive condemnation.
- Refuse to live in fear.
- Follow your heart.
- Don't be afraid of what other people think.
- Keep the strife out of your life.
- Be positive.
- Stop doing things you don't do well.
- Don't worry about your children.
- Avoid excessive reasoning.
- Have simple friends.
- Find the most efficient way to do things.
- Be thankful.
- Count the cost before you commit.
- Pray about everything.
- Don't fret over evildoers.
- Trust God to change you.
- Trust God to change other people.
- Have a broad circle of inclusion.
- Give it to God
- Take control of your thoughts.
- Don't be complicated.
- Don't plan for perfection.
- Be easy to get along with.
- Don't over estimate yourself.
- Get rid of junk mail.
- Block solicitors' phone calls.
- Don't let work pile up.
- Plan ahead.
- Buy some time. Delegate.
- Organize, don't agonize.
- Keep prayers simple.
- Live with margin.
- Don't have a false sense of responsibility.
- Don't try to take care of everybody.
- Give up control.
- Be willing to adapt.
- Don't try to change what you cannot.
- Change what you can change.
- Be realistic in your expectations.
- PRogress is made one step at a time.
- Wise up before you burn out.
- Cultivate solitude
- Be eternally minded.
- Tackle each day as it comes.
- Remember God is for you.
- You are more than a conqueror.
- Pray before you have an emergency.
- Keep your conscience clear.
- Understand righteousness.
- Grace, grace, more grace.
- Bridle your tongue.
- The battle belongs to the Lord.
- Aovid scenes of temptation.
- Avoid people who talk too much.
- Be generous.
- Be wise.
- Beware of distractions.
- Don't be easily offended.
- Don't be hard on yourself.
- It is never too late to begin again.
- Become like a little child.
- See the person who lives inside of you.
- Don't be discouraged with yourself.
- Be a prisoner of hope.
- Resist the devil.
- Stay spiritually strong.
- Be faithful.
- Check your outlook.
- Be humble.
- Let discipline be your friend.
I have a long way to go to live more simply, but there are things I have integrated into my life here that I wasn't at 3+ years ago. Praise God.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Fearless by Max Lucado

I finally finished this book when I set my mind to it. Had had the book for at least a couple weeks and read only a chapter or 2 of the fifteen chapters in the book. Read the 13-14 chapters in a matter of a little over 3 hrs. Amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it and am undistracted with children and other things.
The language of Fearless is consistent with how Lucado normally writes. He brings Biblical scenarios and mixes them with modern terminology and settings to perhaps help the reader be able to relate more. He also relays personal stories of "Fear" in his own life, as well as gives examples of how other people have either succumbed to fear or risen above fear to walk in faith & victory in Jesus Christ.
As usual, I read with a highlighter and could write a super long review with the things I thought were important. What I love about Lucado, and this book is no exception, how he comes up with short little, very powerful sayings. "Feed your fears, and your faith will starve. Feed your faith, and your fears will."
Throughout the book he has quotes Scriptures & their references of how God worked, what Jesus did with fear, His interactions with people & fear. He gives practical advice on what we can do with fear, overcoming it. It all begins with a resolve in our minds and wills to redirect our attention.
In each chapter, the various fears he talks about:
- Fear of Insignificance
- Fear of Disappointing God
- Fear of Running Out/Not Enough
- Fear Regarding Our Children
- Fear of Overwhelming Challenges
- Fear of Worst Case Scenarios
- Fear of Violence
- Fear of the Seasons in Our Lives
- Fear of Life's Final Moments
- Fear of the Future
- Fear That God Isn't Real
- Fear on a Global Level
- Fear of God Not Being Who We Want Him To Be
This really is a boatload of fears, but in each chapter, Lucado gives wonderful examples on how to combat each of these. One of the ones that speaks to me regarding "Worst Case Scenarios". So many of those things have happened to me and much worse, but as I practice the presence of God, delve in His Word, pray, surround myself in godly Community, this really dispels and replaces fear with courage and faith.
This book was encouraging for me. Though it was a quick read, he does sort of go on in some areas where he could've been more succinct. However, my favorite things are his poignant little sayings that are so clear & concise. It speaks to me right now in what I'm going through.
Oh, when I began some of the chapters thinking a particular fear wasn't an issue for me, I found out I was wrong as he gave examples or elaborated on these fears. The true simplicity of the message of this book is as you commit yourself to living in the Presence of the Almighty God, this evil fear cannot be present. The only fear we ought to have is a reverential fear of Him.
Lastly, at the end of the book is a good Discussion Guide, if you want to do this book as a study.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Miracles Happen

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
A Girl's Guide To Life

Thought this book would be easy for me to read, but having a pre-teen daughter who wants to grow up quicker made it a bit too real for me.
I kept forgetting the book is written for teens, young girls and not for the moms or for someone nearing mid-life. There were times I just wanted details, more details, but recognizing that a young person would probably get lost and bored, lose the point, the author did a good job in keeping to the point and succinct so as to keep a young girl's interest.
I like how the focus is still kept on the Lord, on what is good, honorable, respectful. She does a good job on putting one's self-esteem on God-esteem and addresses many issues that I see my near 10-yr old about to embark on with her own self and her friends.
She asks questions and expects you to answer them. That was funny to me, but it's sort of like this written talking book. It's a book about being frank with young girls, including the sex and sexuality thing. Definitely not something I really wanted to read, but it's necessary. Eye-opening. However, she starts off the book rooted in one's identity and expounds from there. If you know who you are, you will be less a victim to our culture, our society.
She gives a lot of pitfalls and warnings, but not in a negative way, but in a way that also appeals to young people. She's upbeat, but not overly so as to not be able to relate to girls. This will be a must read again in a year or 2 for me, just to make sure I'm keeping the lines of communication opened with my own daughter.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”Hermie: Who is in charge anyway?

I just wanna say Kudos to everyone who has a heart to convey Biblical principles to children in story form. There is something about story that captures the heart. And yes, even bad stories can have the same effect. But this is not the case here. I'm just sayin...
The graphics on the DVD reflects current CGI technology to date. It was colorful and very detailed.
The story is about hearing from God (the voice from the sky) and how he is involved in our lives and cares about us. It may sound simple but it is often the most simplest of truths that offers most comfort during the dark times in our lives.
The DVD will capture the attention of Toddlers but older kids will find it boring I think. Don't get me wrong, it is not torturous to watch, it was very well written. It's just that the developmental reality that children's attention are captured by different things in stages of growing.

Thursday, June 3, 2010
Mystically Wired

But, since I committed to reading the whole book to review for Book Sneeze, I found the remainder of the book enlightening, refreshing, and practical. As someone who is deeply a Vineyardite, the pastor, also a Vineyardite, it gives me a greater sense and appreciation for how my own Vineyard church operates.
I don't really know that Ken really explores "NEW REALMS" of prayer, because I've heard of some of these forms of prayer by other denominations. But, perhaps for the common folk who sees prayer on a plain two-dimensional level, Wilson introduces a fourth dimension. It's not the natural dimension which is comprised of 3-dimensions of what we see, hear, taste, feel, but another state that connects us to God in a deeper way.
One of the things I liked that he talked about was praying in small increments throughout the day. This sort of connects us more in the way of "pray without ceasing", where it keeps our minds more focused on the Lord throughout the day rather than just one big lump sum task to be over and done with at a specific time.
Wilson talks about one's physiological responses and one of the important things is to relax. One of those ways is to learn how to use the breath to help us to relax. Other things that are discussed are focusing on ONE thing, just the ONE thing. How hard for us in our very busy society to do that. Then, there is also that element of being still.
He goes through practical ways we can do each of these things. He doesn't tell you to BE STILL and give you nothing, but tells how to BE STILL. There's lots of really great things in this book and it's a must read if you want to learn some practical things to help deepen your prayer life.
For me, I'm glad I have already been doing many of the things, but I did learn or better understand some things I had not before. I'm going to incorporate these things into my prayer life and teach them to my kids.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Monday, May 17, 2010
Just Courage

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The Hole In Our Gospel

I found this audio to be quite intriguing and causing me to think. This book tells about Stearns' childhood and his rise in the corporate world to him becoming CEO of World Vision. Throughout the book, Stearns talks about the people that World Vision helps, comparing the horrible conditions people in third world countries have over our modern, wealthy world.
It was actually quite depressing to see how we are in the U.S., how privileged compared to others in the world. He talked about the diseases that plagued these nations, some things we take for granted here.
The "holes" Stearns talks about is really being completely sold out to Jesus and how the majority of us aren't. Some are willing to go only so far, but only in our terms, not God's terms. It's basically Consumer Christianity. Are we willing to let God direct?
He sites a lot of examples of how the Gospel has really moved people in other nations where they just really went for it, not fearing because what they had to overcome to get the Gospel was so great, that receiving the Gospel into their lives meant everything, for which they would go to any lengths, including death, for Jesus. For most Americans, Stearns also admits he was among one of these people, we don't want to move outside of our comfort zones to live full out for Christ.
Anyway, this book was really challenging for me, as I have been having a pity party for my own circumstances. Yet, listening to this audio, I realize my conditions are pretty luxurious compared to the people World Vision helps.
This audio could also be a huge advertisement for World Vision, but that's not a bad thing either. He shares numerous stories of his own spiritual battles in better understanding compassion and what God has called Him to do.
I feel the last 2-3 segments of the audio, which is about the last hour were the best parts of this whole book. One person can make a difference regardless of age, education, what you have, talents, where you come from, etc. You have to have a willingless and desire to allow God to be creative & step out of your comfort zone to just go do it. I found this really inspiring.
One of the other things I learned is when we reach out to help someone, we really never know the true impact that it has. That statement may not mean much, but Stearns shares a story of him relunctantly giving to sponser a couple more World Vision children. He and his wife already were sponsoring many kids and he had already been the CEO of World Vision for a number of years. He relunctantly and flippantly sponsored 2 more kids whom were brothers. A couple years later, he met these boys and their grandmother. She shared the impact that those sponsorship made to them, which was life & death. He was greatly humbled.
As we reach out to help others, let's do it with a humble and grateful spirit that we can do so. Even in my time of where I am in great need, even I can still do something to help others. God is good and we just have to be willing to be used of God.
The rawness of Stearns spoke to me, because the feelings he had going through all this process are feelings most of us can relate to. I'm glad he was opened in sharing this with us. I benefitted from his frankness and transparency.
Wild At Heart

This book was insightful for me in better understanding at least one man in my life better. Eldredge's main premise is there is a warrior in each man that must be allowed to come out, rather than the emasculation that our society has put on men, expecting them to feel and somewhat act like women.
Before reading this book, I had an opportunity to read over some of the reviews from Book Sneeze and agree with some, while those with negative reviews, not so much. I lent my on again, off again beau the book to read first as I was finishing another book. For him, he found the book life changing, as he's not been exposed to the godly male influences I have, so many of the things he read, the ideas were new and powerful. This made me more excited to read the book, and see what he highlighted.
Some books I've read has made God out to be a very nice, gentle, loving God. Although He is those things, there is a very harsh part of God that doesn't tolerate sin. A part of this was put into man, meaning the fierceness, the warrior that fights. Our society has looked at so many things as being violent or intolerable, so we force our sons to be pansies, to be wusses and wimps.
Eldredge makes more the case for me as a mommy of a 6-yr old all boy to allow him to be all boy. That doesn't mean he isn't to have good boundaries, but I don't have to coddle him over every single little thing - allow him to toughen up, be the protector he is meant to be eventually, and to really take stands for what is right.
He uses many analogies of movies, books -- some seem appropro, others not so much. Even as a woman, I found many things applicable to me. When God goes deeper into the area of our woundings, it gets pretty painful. He talks about how the enemy will work even more aggressively to bring us down, but, that we are not to back down.
Throughout the book, Eldredge talks about the woman, and how for most men, this becomes a stumbling block in men in their healing from the wounds in their lives. He talks about how the wounds are the lies we've believed, and about bringing God's Truth into those areas. Before a man can truly be the man he was created to be, he needs to heal from those deep woundings and to take time to do that before letting "the woman" into his life into a more intimate relationship -- because you cannot be intimate in the way God designed unless those wounds are healed.
Parts of the book, Eldredge sort of talks about "the woman" in a fairytalelike manner, referring to her as "the beauty". I could see areas where my relationship has been off and how it's better to give my beau time and space he needs to heal from his wounds.
Each person in a relationship needs to know their true identity in Jesus Christ. Without this, the relationship is flimsy at best. This book is about a man's journey to find who he really is in Christ, and some of the major pitfalls along the way.
Though I did not like everything that was said in the book, I can see why he said it and how it would be beneficial to heed his advice. Sometimes in life we need to make tough decisions for the ultimate good.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Popes & Bankers by Jack Cashill

This book by Jack Cashill turned out to be a disappointment to me in some ways and in other ways quite fascinating. I give this book a 1 star in terms of readability and ability to keep my interest. However, in terms of research and information, I give it a 5 star.
The best way I can describe this book is the tone of the book, for me, was similar to "This American Life" on NPR. I could imagine Ira Glass reading this book. Maybe then it would be more interesting to me.
This book is comprised of lots of politics, religion, philosophy, banking, business, murder, intrigue, ethnic groups, and more. There are all sorts of twists, turns, plots of not good things happening. There are lots of dates, statistics.
Frankly, though I'm a numbers person and deal in the area of finance such as in the area of the stock market -- that part was interesting, to learn how things came about, I did have a challenging time following. Maybe it was because I read this book in over a month's timeframe in 10-20 page intervals.
I kept hoping that as I read, that I would get excited about what I was reading only to be disappointed that characters were not further developed. But, that was not the point of the book to develop its characters, rather to introduce a plethora of characters in history who helped shaped our American financial situation, notably many of the not good things happening in America currently.
Maybe when in a different mindset, I'll reread this book. This was not a book that I could zip through, gain a handful of ideas that I could logically implement into my life. This is not the type of book I am accustomed to reading either, but thought it would be good for me to have.
It was quite interesting, however, to understand where a term or something that is happening or has happened was derived from. Money, money, money.
What I gather from all that I read, as Americans financially, we seem to keep repeating the same mistakes again and again -- it just gets bigger and more out of control. We seem to forget. The tools just become more sophisticated. It's a lack of accountability & responsibility.
It probably makes for less interesting material to have more like a flowchart in timeline format of this book, but that would've interested me more. It was not easy to read and grasp for me.
Would I recommend this book? I think if you like to read historical things and are not overwhelmed by all the data, go for it. If you want an easy read like in a weekend or so, this is not the book.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Free Book by Brian Tome

I got my first book to read and review. It's called Free Book* by Brian Tome.
This is an EXCELLENT book on living true freedom in Christ. The book is not stuffy nor the normal Christian book that I've read. It's really quite frank and I felt like Brian would fit very well in the church I go to. Tell it like it is.
The book can be mainly summed up in a short paragraph. Our fears hold us back from truly living our God-given destiny. He cites numerous examples how people live in bondage to those fears. Even as a Christian, you can live in extreme bondage and though Christ came to set the captives free, people often don't know what it really means to live in freedom.
One of the chapters that I found really good and what I'm experiencing in my own life is found in Chapter 10 "Blahs, Break, Blues, and Blessing". Freedom costs period. Most people are content to live in the "blahs" because there is a perceived safety. However, there is no true freedom living in that type of safety. Tome goes to describes the main steps to getting freedom in our lives, and that usually it isn't an easy path. However, if you're willing to stick it, you can experience freedom and it's totally worth it.
A part of having freedom is understanding who you really are as a Christian. Many people do not know who they are, so they continue to do things and think in ways that really bring about bondage, death. When we begin to live out our identities in Christ, it is freeing.
Forgiveness is another huge element in having freedom. What spoke to me was an incident with my former spouse and this chapter was so apropro. When we have truly forgiven someone, released them to God, when something bad happens to them, we don't gloat about it, rather we have compassion on them, desiring for them to also have freedom in Christ. This chapter spoke volumes to me.
There are 15 chapters in this book. He covers this from
- not living in fear
- abolishing religious thinking
- a new identity in Christ, forgiveness
- getting rid of strongholds
- living in the supernatural while we are in this natural world
- taking our authority in Jesus Christ and evicting spirits, thought processes, beliefs that do not serve our identity in Christ
- interacting with the Holy Spirit
- the process of getting freedom
- living with passion towards the right things
- what it means to live out freedom in all areas of our lives (talks about relationships, jobs, aspirations)
- freedom in community (an interdependence, not independence) & submission to authority, listening to others as they may see from a perspective we would not see ourselves that would help us in our walks with Christ
- living in unique grace & truth - not being totally one way or another, but using these as appropriate in each situation
- not being fearful of the "what if's", and if that which is fearful should happen, that God will help us through the whole process
I give this book 5 stars out of 5. It really resonates with where I am in life and going through. I've experienced freedom and the way Brian writes about it, it's so true. I'm looking forward to pushing through for the other areas of my life that aren't free yet.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their
Monday, February 15, 2010
Free books to read and I get to choose among the list? I'm in!!!
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